Cleaning tips: 5 tips on how to get rid of mold

Molds are microscopic fungi that need a highly humid environment to live in. Mold most often lives in the walls and their corners, bathroom tiles, around the windows, behind couches and pictures on the wall. Did you find mold in your house as well? We are giving you 5 tips on how to effectively get rid of unwanted mold.

What causes mold in houses?

The most common cause of mold is the moistening of the walling during the house building and poor ventilation. However, people often help the mold to grow without realizing it.


In the beginning, mold isn't visible. Later we can't only see it but also smell the mold. Their microscopic particles are dangerous for our organism and that's why we need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

How to effectively remove the mold for good

You need to realize that getting rid of mold without eliminating the humidity in the room will lead to another mold sooner or later. It's necessary to find out the reason for the high humidity in the premises and eliminate it. After you have lowered the humidity, you can start removing the mold.

Vinegar – the natural mold fighter

Vinegar can kill up to 99% of bacteria and 82% of molds. Pour it into a sprayer and spray on the mold. Leave it like that for 1-4 hours and wipe the mold with a cleaning cloth.


TIP: Add a few drops of essential oil to the vinegar to neutralize its odor.

The power of hydrogen peroxide

Mix the hydrogen peroxide with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar at the rate of 1:1:1. Spray the mold and leave like that for 15 minutes. Wipe the mold with a cloth.

Savo – the mold remover

A liquid preparation for mold elimination, Savo, is no. 1 on the Slovak market with mold remover tools. It removes all types of molds, disinfects and bleaches the surfaces. While using Savo, make sure to leave the windows open.

The natural power of citrus and tea tree oil

Add 20 drops of grapefruit extract or tea tree oil into 0,4 l of water and spray it onto the affected area. Don't wash the walls afterward.

Mold and mildew resistant paints

You can find a lot of anti-mold paints that prevent your walls from mold and will keep the mold from coming back.

Prevention – the winning tactics in the fight with mold

Remember, that the key to a healthy environment is preventing it from high humidity. Our team recommends you good ventilation and, if needed, a dehumidifier. Also, regularly clean the rooms and surfaces that are easy to get mold.



Text: Denisa Dee


Mold photo:
Photo by Joanna Bu from Pexels

Cover photo (girl):
Photo by klimkin  from Pixabay


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